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Welcome to the VRAI Lab, where we explore the future of technology and science together. VRAI stands for Vision Robotics Artificial Intelligence, and it is a place where researchers from different parts of Italy come together to work on different research projects. Our team includes experts from Politecnica delle Marche and Università degli Studi di Macerata.

Research at VRAI Lab covers topics of etc etc

Artificial Intelligence

VRAI is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence research, where we develop algorithms that improve their performance with experience.

Computer Graphics

VRAI is dedicated to developing advanced algorithms that enable more realistic, dynamic, and immersive experiences in digital environments, thanks to Computer Graphics

Robot & Mechatronics

VRAI focuses on creating easy-to-understand programs that allow robots to learn from their surroundings and make better decisions over time. 

Take a moment to explore our research fields

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